502-564-XXXX Phone Numbers

502-564-XXXX Map

Prefix 502-564-XXXX is primarily located in Frankfort, Kentucky, and it has 182 phone numbers in our database. Based on user feedback, the level of spam activity is "Low" compared to other telephone prefixes in the 502 area code.

Phone number directory

Number Name*
502-564-0000State K******* O**
502-564-0013Kentucky S****
502-564-0105T H*****
502-564-0410Commonwealth O*
502-564-1201Dennis F****
502-564-1205Gregory H*******
502-564-1404Gadson D*********** I**
502-564-1792Historical P***********
502-564-1856EMPOWER K************ A*****
502-564-1985Kevin C****
502-564-2020Kathy H***
502-564-2021Ray G*******
502-564-2064SMALL B******* S** D**
502-564-2081Susan W********
502-564-2106Education D************** O**
502-564-2113Field O********* D**
502-564-2120FRANKFORT C***** D**********
502-564-2136Gayle Y****
502-564-2141Kentucky S**** O* A******** M**** L**** D******* O*
502-564-2150Robert F******
502-564-2172Parks D***
502-564-2184Natural R******** D***
502-564-2256Loretta J******
502-564-2320First P******* S****** M******
502-564-2340Field S****** D**
502-564-2433Offender R******
502-564-2552Comnwlth O* T**
502-564-2607Kentucky S****
502-564-2611John C******
502-564-2670Printing O*****
502-564-2851Ky L******** P***** R**** C**
502-564-2900Unemployment I******** D*******
502-564-2960Kentucky S****
502-564-2967Protection & A******* S** D**
502-564-3016ORAL H****** C*********
502-564-3070Employment S********
502-564-3112Revenue C************ S** D**
502-564-3120STATE S*****
502-564-3130Jana K*******
502-564-3140Kentucky S**** O* T************* C****** D********* O* V****** R********* D** O* D****** L********
502-564-3155ENGINEERING O*****
502-564-3176Joan M*****
502-564-3251GRANT P******* D**
502-564-3265Military H****** M*****
502-564-3279Justices O*****
502-564-3300Karen W*****
502-564-3340Charlotte M******
502-564-3388Patricia R****
502-564-3400Tonya H******
502-564-3410Tom G******
502-564-3490Secretary O* S****
502-564-3555Renato B******
502-564-3595Tara M******
502-564-3601Civil R***** & S**** B*******
502-564-3620State P***** B****
502-564-3621Ky S*
502-564-3730Steven W*****
502-564-3750Motor V****** C*********
502-564-3757Karen E****
502-564-3775Div O* C***** T******** E*****
502-564-3795John M*****
502-564-3916Equipment D*******
502-564-3925Cynthia E* E******
502-564-3940James R***
502-564-3952Michael R******
502-564-3999Scott H*****
502-564-4180Supreme C****
502-564-4212John P*****
502-564-4221Community S****** D***
502-564-4262Hairdressers & C*************
502-564-4270William D*****
502-564-4321Medicaid S******* D***
502-564-4360DEPT O* C**********
502-564-4378Kentucky P**
502-564-4440David B****
502-564-4456Karen N*****
502-564-4460Ann B*****
502-564-4474EDUCATION D********* S** O**
502-564-4480Sherry B***
502-564-4496Forestry D*******
502-564-4510Stephanie W*******
502-564-4554Department-financial I********
502-564-4556Nancy A*******
502-564-4560Kelly S*******
502-564-4566Vocational R************* D***
502-564-4581Compliance & T******* A*****
502-564-4606Education P*********** S** B**
502-564-4610Personnel M********* O*****
502-564-4636KENTUCKY C********* P********
502-564-4646Retirement S******
502-564-4690Lisa R***
502-564-4696Joyce P*****
502-564-4722Treasury D***
502-564-4734Joseph M*****
502-564-4772Kimberly B******
502-564-4775Leslie S*****
502-564-4848Debbie S****
502-564-4860Beeler W*****
502-564-4890Transportation C******
502-564-4930Tourism S****** D**
502-564-4983Angela T********
502-564-5064Amber J******
502-564-5116Kentucky S****
502-564-5159State K*******
502-564-5170Deidre J*****
502-564-5226Ky S* O*
502-564-5231Cabrini E**********
502-564-5315Kentucky S****
502-564-5335Capital P**** O*********
502-564-5390Jennifer D******
502-564-5397Charles M*****
502-564-5448John B******
502-564-5497Tina B****
502-564-5514Ky S* O*
502-564-5573Laurence H******
502-564-5597A B***** C***** I**
502-564-5622Helena A*******
502-564-5697Carolyn T*****
502-564-5777Lana D*****
502-564-5807Property T******* D***
502-564-5841Auditor O*****
502-564-5986Hong L**
502-564-6032BLANCHE C**** C*******
502-564-6120Gerry M******
502-564-6606Education C******
502-564-6612Anne B******
502-564-6670Comnwlth O* T**
502-564-6688Amy A******
502-564-6716Resource C********************
502-564-6760Road F*** A*****
502-564-6895Occupation-education & T***
502-564-6900Education T*********
502-564-6920Staffing S**
502-564-7005David B*****
502-564-7042Franklin V****
502-564-7109Dave B****
502-564-7140Linda H*******
502-564-7243HEALTH D**************** D**
502-564-7300OFFICE F** T** N** E******
502-564-7338Kentucky S****
502-564-7376Kentucky S****
502-564-7383Franklin C***** H*** H*****
502-564-7420Shannon R*****
502-564-7433Edwinna H*****
502-564-7486Comnwlth O* T**
502-564-7500Kentucky S**** O**
502-564-7510Melissa M***
502-564-7554Justice C******
502-564-7630Rob E****
502-564-7647FRANKLIN C***** H***** D***
502-564-7650Office-legal S** D*******
502-564-7712JUSTICE D******* D**
502-564-7760PUBLIC P*********
502-564-7770Jay K****
502-564-7846Ky S*
502-564-7850St K*
502-564-7866Commonwealth O* K******* G***** T******
502-564-8006Keith P*****
502-564-8030Personnel D***
502-564-8100Michael G******
502-564-8110Lori M******
502-564-8137Phil C******
502-564-8167Education A************* O**
502-564-8300Ky D*** F** L******** & A***
502-564-8334Division O* M******* T*******
502-564-8340Local V******** D**
502-564-8380FRANKLIN C****** C**** C****
502-564-8639Ky S* O*
502-564-8772Michael M*******
502-564-8795Empower K************ A*****
502-564-8956Melissa L*********
502-564-9021State K*******
502-564-9203Timothy H*****
502-564-9281Veterans A****** D***
502-564-9523State K******* O**
502-564-9702Commonwealth O*
502-564-9746Kentucky S****
502-564-9829Ky S* O*
502-564-9874St K*

* The name is masked for privacy reasons. You can click on the phone number to view the full name.

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