Frequently Asked Questions

What is reverse phone lookup?

Reverse phone lookup is a way to search for the identity of the owner by using their phone number. CallerName is a free, reverse phone lookup service for both cell and landline numbers.

Why can’t I find the caller name to a phone number?

Information on a certain phone number may be unavailable for a number of reasons. First, the caller name may not be listed in any databases; second, scammers tend to use fake numbers; and third, data coverage is not 100%, thereby limiting caller ID information.

What countries are supported?

At this time, CallerName only compiles information on U.S. and Canadian numbers. The listings are limited to these two countries; however, we plan to expand and add more phone numbers from other countries to the database in the future.

What does flagging a number as “Safe” or “Unsafe” mean?

To streamline the service, we allow users to instantly flag a phone number as safe or unsafe with the click of button. Indicating a number is safe means it is a trusted caller, while an unsafe number would refer to a scammer or other unscrupulous caller.

How do I edit my listing?

If you are the owner of a phone number listed on our website, you may send a request to update or correct the listing by clicking “Edit Listing” button on the listing page. You must first verify ownership, and you will be able to submit corrections for approval.

How do I remove my information?

You will need to complete the Opt Out Form to send a request. Depending on the nature of your request and the amount of data, your opt-out request should be processed in 24-72 hours.