919-966-XXXX Phone Numbers

919-966-XXXX Map

Prefix 919-966-XXXX is primarily located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and it has 210 phone numbers in our database. Based on user feedback, the level of spam activity is "Low" compared to other telephone prefixes in the 919 area code.

Phone number directory

Number Name*
919-966-0146FUNCTIONAL B******** R******* G****
919-966-0424Unc H******** U
919-966-0429Nate P*******
919-966-0440William A***
919-966-0606Us E**
919-966-0670Andrew G***
919-966-0684Paulette P*****
919-966-0691Cindy T*****
919-966-0707Chapel U** H***
919-966-0733DARIN K****
919-966-0759Stacy B****
919-966-0804NC A*** P****** O*****
919-966-0809Andrew B*****
919-966-0903Brent W*****
919-966-0949Barbara T*******
919-966-1041Folami B******
919-966-1122Campbell B***
919-966-1161UNC S***** O* D********
919-966-1183Shunbin N***
919-966-1197UNIVERSITY O* N**** C******* A* C***** H***
919-966-1201Robert S******
919-966-1288Thomas B*******
919-966-1374Sarah V*******
919-966-1377Felecia A******
919-966-1419Unc H******** U** H***** C***
919-966-1429Jeffrey S******
919-966-1448Unc H******** U** H***** C***
919-966-1549Deborah R*******
919-966-1571Juanelle B*******
919-966-1591UNIVERSITY O* N**** C******* A* C***** H***
919-966-1595CYTOGENETICS L**
919-966-1596Debbie G******
919-966-1659Doretha Y*****
919-966-1760UNC D********* O* P*********
919-966-1806Unc H******** U** H***** C***
919-966-1982Unc H******** U** H***** C***
919-966-2012Alana A**********
919-966-2017Miriam L*****
919-966-2061UNIVERSITY O* N**** C******* A* C***** H***
919-966-2072Christopher T*****
919-966-2095Dan C*****
919-966-2102Adel H****
919-966-2111HEALTH S******* L******
919-966-2115UNC-DENTAL F****** P*******
919-966-2129THE U********* O* N**** C******* A* C***** H***
919-966-2141Kimberly G****
919-966-2255CHIEF M****** E******** O*****
919-966-2257Jenny K**
919-966-2264CAROLINA N**** U*********
919-966-2281Tsh X*****
919-966-2380Raul D* L* G****
919-966-2447Debra B*****
919-966-2531Ashley H********
919-966-2606Deb W******
919-966-2662Chuck M****
919-966-2707Donna P*****
919-966-2712Dave F*****
919-966-2719Carolina V***
919-966-2725Lauren L*****
919-966-2786Sylvester T*****
919-966-2877UNC H**** F****** P******
919-966-2881UNIVERSITY O* N**** C******* A* C***** H***
919-966-3023Kim L*****
919-966-3036Vanessa B****
919-966-3040Unc H******** U** H***** C***
919-966-3080UNIVERSITY O* N**** C******* A* C***** H***
919-966-3115Coleen C****
919-966-3138Jeff S****
919-966-3161NC R**** R******* T* S*****
919-966-3263Charles C*****
919-966-3381UNC C************* S******
919-966-3382Holt T*****
919-966-3391Vascular X*****
919-966-3411Jeffrey T*****
919-966-3561UNIVERSITY O* N**** C******* A* C***** H***
919-966-3589Meng Y***
919-966-3595Charles H***
919-966-3658COUNSELING & W******* S**
919-966-3693Anita F*****
919-966-3711Chapel U** H***
919-966-3921Paula H*********
919-966-3954Pam P*****
919-966-3977Alfreda C*******
919-966-3991Unc C***** H***
919-966-4040Kim S****
919-966-4131Sylvia H*****
919-966-4135Teresa M*******
919-966-4161UNC S***** O* M*******
919-966-4267Unc H*** H*****
919-966-4370Cheryl S***********
919-966-4383Rudy J******
919-966-4389Mrc F****** C***** U****
919-966-4435Karen L*******
919-966-4446Kathy J****
919-966-4453Hua Z****
919-966-4522Barbara E*****
919-966-4601Clara R***
919-966-4630Lisa D*****
919-966-4646Sheila D****
919-966-4698Wimonwan L*************
919-966-4717Elizabeth G*****
919-966-4721Denise W**********
919-966-4735David C*******
919-966-4743Kimberly S******
919-966-4798Pinthusorn P**********
919-966-4915Teresa C****
919-966-4946Ina D****
919-966-4981Chapel U** H***
919-966-5017Julie D*****
919-966-5040Munira A**
919-966-5041Ellen Y****
919-966-5073Brian M******
919-966-5098CMI O******* P******
919-966-5111Alta M*** D**** C************
919-966-5124Chapel U** H***
919-966-5131UNIVERSITY O* N***************
919-966-5136Jeffrey B*****
919-966-5156Gary M******
919-966-5166Diana W***
919-966-5171Debbie R**********
919-966-5217DEPT O* P*********
919-966-5224Lorraine M****
919-966-5226Lorraine M****
919-966-5296UNIVERSITY O* N**** C*******
919-966-5341Diane J****
919-966-5381John G****
919-966-5382Chapel U** H***
919-966-5443Fostina M*****
919-966-5454Al W*******
919-966-5509Hunter W*******
919-966-5522James H*****
919-966-5624Katrina J******
919-966-5644Unc H******** U** H***** C***
919-966-5653TOBACCO U** P********* T******* I********
919-966-5736ACKLAND A** M*****
919-966-5757Yuyang T***
919-966-5883Hillel K****
919-966-5905Lauren H***
919-966-5945J M******
919-966-5989Tina E****
919-966-6000Carmen F*****
919-966-6021Unc C***** H***
919-966-6160Unc C***** H***
919-966-6211STEPHEN P******
919-966-6228Unc C***** H***
919-966-6238John L**
919-966-6256Earlynn G*****
919-966-6264John A****
919-966-6266NATIONAL P***** H***** L********* I********
919-966-6311Chapel U** H***
919-966-6440NORTH C******* C****** O* E******** P*********
919-966-6461Wylia L***
919-966-6499Denise E********
919-966-6588JAMES A T***** S**** H*** S**
919-966-6620Unc C***** H***
919-966-6624Julie N***
919-966-6635Camille C******
919-966-6646Kathy B********
919-966-6734Aurel S****
919-966-6871UNC-CHAPEL H*** H***** S******* L******
919-966-6921Tara L***********
919-966-6965Meghan K****
919-966-7045Carla R******
919-966-7103Nancy J******
919-966-7112Patricia B****
919-966-7120UNIVERSITY O* N**** C******* A* C***** H***
919-966-7138Gayletha J****
919-966-7141Lee G*****
919-966-7195Brandon K******
919-966-7199UNC I********* D*******
919-966-7200Rodney T*****
919-966-7244UNC H**** C** A* M*********
919-966-7288Chapel U** H***
919-966-7375Bryan W*****
919-966-7495NC C******** H****************
919-966-7530John S*****
919-966-7665THE N**** C******* I******** O* M*******
919-966-7755Unc H******** U** H***** C***
919-966-7767Rumay A********
919-966-7890Lynn D*****
919-966-8013Debbie B***
919-966-8107State O* N* U**
919-966-8156State O* N* U**
919-966-8166Tena D****
919-966-8180Jill C****
919-966-8213NORTH C******* P********* P*******
919-966-8348Meredith T***
919-966-8358Joseph E***
919-966-8497UNIV-NC S***** O* D********
919-966-8553Leonid F******
919-966-8740Unc C***** H***
919-966-8741Unc H******** U
919-966-8853Dennis F****
919-966-8857Laurie C*****
919-966-8926UNC H**********************
919-966-8981Tom B****
919-966-8996Yang X******
919-966-9208Rita B*********
919-966-9210Chapel U** H***
919-966-9334Teri M***
919-966-9458Elizabeth C****
919-966-9629Chapel U** H***
919-966-9654Phyllis S****
919-966-9704Debbie G******
919-966-9840Guckes A*****
919-966-9900Ois O*****
919-966-9919THE V****** B***
919-966-9932Unc H******** U** H***** C***

* The name is masked for privacy reasons. You can click on the phone number to view the full name.

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